jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Badlands (SD) to Mount Rushmore to Bighorn Forest (WY)


Today we woke up at the foot hills of the Badlands. We arrived at 2am of the 21st. It was pitch black therefore we could not see the landscape. We could only see what the long lights allowed us, which looked like formations you see on the moon. We quickly set up camp and went to bed, the temperature was in the 40's F. In the morning we were looking forward to see were we where and we woke up to the pictures you see above.

Next we decided to go and see Mount Rushmore in our way to Yellowstone. We learned Borglum was the artist behind the project. Learning about the sculptor allowed us to see this not only as a monument but also a piece of art.

We arrived to Wyoming and decided to camp in Bighorn Forest

Road US 14 took us to Bighorn Forest which is half way between Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone. This route is by far the more scenic road on the trip. We were in such awe that we forgot to take a picture. Luckily we found a great campground there. Unfortunately the weather was below 30 degrees F so we had to seriously bundled up for sleeping. We were at 8,000 feet of altitute which explained the beautiful scenery and the low temperatures. This allowed Paul to try his new scoth flask he got as gift at Cooney's wedding.

2 comentarios:

  1. I love your Wyoming picture. I'm glad you guys are having fun. Keep posting! =D

  2. The first picture is amazing! Sounds like you guys had a great and cold time! :)
